“Hey, hey little fighter girl
It's you and me up against this whole wide world
Sleeping together in the lion’s den
Got your earrings in my pocket till I see you again” – Mason Jennings
So, Yvonne got what most mothers are probably secretly hoping for on Mother’s Day. She got some free time away from the kids. She got the chance to sleep in as long as she wanted, lounge in bed, watch TV, and read books almost all day long. She didn’t have to make any meals and in fact had them brought to her right in bed. Doesn’t all that sound nice?
Yvonne didn’t think so. That’s probably because the part of the story that I didn’t tell you yet. Let’s rewind just a little bit to Saturday. We went to a youth activity (Yvonne is in the YM presidency) at a school gym. Everyone was having fun. The youth and leaders were playing volleyball or badminton or basketball. Yvonne was with our kids and some of the young women in one area of the gym with a balancing beam and some tumbling mats. She was busy impressing the young women with her not-recently-used gymnastics skills. Yvonne being who she is wasn’t quite satisfied with a trick she had just done. So, wanting to show that she can still pull off a perfect 10, ran full steam ahead, jumped, flipped, twisted, and landed…. POP!
Her mind was willing, but apparently her Achilles tendon was not. … And that was the end of her fun for the day. Fast forward to the next day (Mother’s Day) and she was sitting in the Hospital in a foreign country waiting to have an operation to surgically reattach the two ruptured pieces of her Achilles tendon. Just what every mother wants, right?

Fortunately, the surgery went well and she is now back at home. Her biggest gift for Mother’s Day was a pair of crutches and thigh-length cast. She is a fighter though and even though she can’t put any weight on it, or carry anything while moving around, she hasn’t slowed down much. She even went to church and taught her lesson. Her biggest frustration is that she has to wait for me to keep things clean and organized in the house and I don’t have quite the attention to detail that she does. Actually to be honest, her biggest challenge was probably yesterday when I took the kids out to the pool and she could not join us, but could only watch from the window. Just because we love her, we made sure to track lots of water into the house so her frustrations would hopefully cancel each other out… if only it worked that way ;)