Monday, March 18, 2013

Wadi Showka

"Put a little gravel in my travel
Unwind, unravel all night long" - Rodney Atkins

We headed up to the mountains a couple weekends ago to get a little escape from the Emerald City. Wadi Showka was the destination. It was fun to get out with some good friends. The kids loved exploring and climbing all over the rocky mountainside. We sang songs with the ukulele around the campfire. We chased lizards, centipedes, spiders, and other creatures. We watched the moon rise over the mountains in a beautiful star-filled sky. We roasted food over open flames (why does normally mediocre food taste so much better when camping?). We listened to uncontrollable laughter as kids bounced around recklessly without seat-belts in the overstuffed backseat of a Land Rover driving up a rocky dry riverbed. We were invigorated as we jumped off the cliffside into cold, fresh water pools. We had fun.